We are aware that everyone is concerned around the latest communication from the Government so would like to confirm the following to ARGOS members:
The Government has cancelled all indoor events with more than 100 people attending. We are monitoring our class numbers and will ensure that attendance will not exceed this 100 limit at any one time.This means changeovers between sessions will please need to be quick - Please arrive shortly before class & vacate the premises immediately after class.
Where possible, it would be great if you are able to leave the premises during class session & pick your child up afterwards.
Please continue to practice safe hygiene & remain alert to the environment you are in at the Gym, If your child is unwell, please do not bring them to Class.
Thank you everyone for your patience during these unsettling times. We love having the children at classes and it's great to see so many of you attending & going about your normal activities. It is business as usual for ARGOS until we are advised otherwise by MOH / GOVT/ GYM NZ.
Please continue to support ARGOS - At this stage registrations are open for Term 2 as well as the Holiday Programme.
To those of you who have entered and paid for Competitions, these fees can be either held as credits for further use or where required a refund can be processed - please contact the office to discuss.
Once again, we reiterate this is an evolving situation so please be prepared for last minute changes - these will be posted on this page, by email and on our Website.
Thank-you everyone for your understanding.